227. let your brain relax.png

In the morning when we get to our office, we usually don’t start work right away. We take some time to make coffee/tea, check emails or do other things for 15 minutes (or maybe 1 hour for some of you haha) and then we pull out our files and start working. We do this because we need to ramp up our brain and get into the work mode. However, how many of us actually do the opposite and ramp down at the end of the day? Most of us actually stay on the phone or computer until the very last minute and then go to sleep right away. We may be asleep but our brain is not, it cannot just shut down like a computer (even computer needs time to shut down!!). This is why most of us have very bad quality sleeps.

What we should do instead is let our brain go decelerate, even just 5 minutes will help. We can dim the light to let our eyes adjust to the setting, read a book, write journal, or even meditate. The key is to stay away from the bright screen! I suggest going to this site call A Soft Murmur to play some soothing ambient sound while ramping down. You can customize what combination of sound you want to hear, I always do thunder with bells or fire and wind to help myself relax!

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